- STRIFE CONTACT -It has a system which recovers the traditional deference to the new concept of contact. Based on the principles of contact kickboxing they are: semi, light, full contact, low kick, K1-Rules in order to get as close to reality while maintaining the integrity of the athlete was the strife created a contact sport that involves the Mixed rules:Projection Light + k1 +  Olympic Boxing + Protection TKD  = STRIFE LIGHT

It consists of using all the techniques of type striker struggles with the lightness of light contact is not allowed to clinch its use is lost in points allowed rapid projections where athletes will make points preserving the physical integrity is not allowed using knockout and equipment protection becoming a sport that involves contact while Physical Integrity Based on an amateur or professional rink to score is a mixture FITTED INTO BY BLOWS Tkd, Olympic Boxing, K-1.Using 18oz Gloves, Shin Guards, boots, helmet grille with karate, chest and forearms